What a Marvelous thing! The Creator, that set you on your course, has graciously made it possible that you could be strong at the onset of your journey, gain strength as you progress in your particular endeavors, and as your assignments end, you can be stronger than you were before you began. We have his life flowing on the inside of us. Selah. With this light rolling around on the inside of your hearts, your zeal, your determination to excel, your stamina will rise to it’s highest level. Hallelujah! Mark my words, those who shift gears into the strength that’s in Him, will accomplish exceedingly abundantly above all that they could have imagined in the natural, through His life on the inside of them. Go through the New Testament, particularly in the letters to the church ( or epistle written by the Apostle’s), and find all the Scriptures that have the phrase, ” in him”. Then meditate on them putting them into your heart and change the world from the inside out, in his strength.
In him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts:17:28a