Baring Fruit With Patience

A farmer is well aware of the necessary time it takes to reap a harvest from the seed sown. Some of us can remember being in the garden while our father or mother took time to till the soil; getting all the rocks out, and all debris that would impede the little seeds progress in germination.  Then plowing or making distinct rows in which the several seeds would be planted. My Dad would let me place the seeds in the rows. An his instructions were not to place the seeds to deeply or to shallow.  Sometimes more than one seed would fall out of my hand and I’d pick it up and make sure there was space in between. Then as those seeds were covered with soil. I would begin to daydream. I could see those seeds in my minds eye turn into little sprout and then into carrots. Every day I would look out my window or wait in the garden. Waiting with anticipation.  As my father and I took care of the little garden, carrots and green beans, and turnips would be harvested fresh for our table.  Friends, let both you and your Heavenly Father take care of the garden of your heart. He will help you get the ground ready. You and he together will plant the seeds, and watch with patient anticipation for the harvest to spring forth. 

Gal. 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.