The Anointing; The Love Of The Father

Ah, why did you say that? Well, let me explain it. You see the Holy Spirit is the very heart of the Father and Son’s operation.  He is like the Cupcake song says, the Honybunch Sugarplum Pumpy-Umpy-Umpkin He’s the Greatest Sweetie Pie. Lol. It Gets better, He’s our Cupcake Gumdrop Snoogums Snoogums, yes you see, he’s the apple our Eyes…he is the foot soldier of Love, in other words, when one stands upon the word where healing is concerned, he rises with anointed love, and alleviates the disease in turn. The anointing of course is defined as: the burden removing yoke destroying power of God, but it’s through extreme love that we experience that release, as we honor the anointed word, the Spirit like a dove brings us health and peace.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 2 Cor. 13:14

Happy Valentine’s Day

Love is everything to God.

Love is everything to me.

We are so in love with you.

God has set me this way.

Know that you are prayed for day and night, as I much keep a watch for your soul.

God is moving towards us rapidly through our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ 

Let Love be your greatest quest and aim.

Apostle Alberta Richard




The word of Faith will play NON-STOP so that you can absorb as much as possible.

God Bless You

Apostle Alberta Richard

Enter In

The door is open, you can come through, the Lord has been waiting to minister to you. There is a peace, that is waiting, upon your arrival, call on the name of Jesus, that’s it
Call: Jesus, Jesus, here is my life. I want to be a part of the family of God right now. Now God will usher you in. Let Him know you turn away from your sin as you become part of the family of God. Jesus washes away all of your sin and makes you brand new! Welcome to the family of God. Never alone again. God will never leave you or forsake you.

I want to pray right now,
Father, take good care of these new family members that have just called upon the name of Jesus. Direct them to a church that’s full of love and full of light. Give them vision early on so they can see your plan and purpose for their life. Father, let them experience the great love and fellowship and joy that we have experienced in receiving Jesus as Lord. Let them experience this pure love in this generation. In Jesus name, amen.

Spending Enough Quality Time In His Presence

That’s all God longs for. For the secrets of this life, the deep things, the puzzling things, begin to be revealed. Why did that just happen? How did they get to that position? Why is he so shielded from the things that are causing many to stumble? Anyone you really want to know, well, your willing to spend quality time with right? Take His word and lay it out before you Meditate it wholeheartedly. Keep it before you as you rest in His presence. Pretty soon wisdom will begin to rise up on the inside, and instead of uncertainty, a precious knowing that’s keeps your heart glowing.

Isaiah 11:2

2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD

To My Friends And Family And Newcomers

This Will Be The Greatest Year Yet!!

These final hours, men are running into the Kingdom of God from every quarter. The family of God is being increased exponentially. Yet, there is still room in the Kingdom for more. Please, if you have not as yet given your heart to Jesus, right now is the best time to do so. Why not start the New Year Off Right? For those who do, there is no end, to your life on this side or the other.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am, the ye may be also John 14:3

Don’t forget the Healing Seminar on Regeneration Ministry Radio, it will do you good

My God Has Something Special For You

He had it planned from the very beginning. It was a dream, to have such a big family, with you as a part of it. He pictured you from the start, walking with your head held high, so proud to be in His family. Each day He looks, waiting, longing for you to see the deep desire that He has, to bless you, to hold you, and call you His own. Come on now, it’s time to make Jesus the Lord of your life. You will never be the same. Say: Jesus come into my heart; I am ready to be in the family of God.

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.