Ah, why did you say that? Well, let me explain it. You see the Holy Spirit is the very heart of the Father and Son’s operation. He is like the Cupcake song says, the Honybunch Sugarplum Pumpy-Umpy-Umpkin He’s the Greatest Sweetie Pie. Lol. It Gets better, He’s our Cupcake Gumdrop Snoogums Snoogums, yes you see, he’s the apple our Eyes…he is the foot soldier of Love, in other words, when one stands upon the word where healing is concerned, he rises with anointed love, and alleviates the disease in turn. The anointing of course is defined as: the burden removing yoke destroying power of God, but it’s through extreme love that we experience that release, as we honor the anointed word, the Spirit like a dove brings us health and peace.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 2 Cor. 13:14